Event schedule
All times are local.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
08:00 Arrivals in Langenthal LSPL
Please check the Pilot-Info link above for Swiss AIP, local flying restrictions and customs formalities.
11:00 Briefing for various trips:
Option A: Thun (BE) LSZW
Option B: Breassaucourt (JU) LSZQ
Option C: Ecuvillens (FR) LSGE
Visit to the "Oberaargau" airplane Museum
19:00 Hermann Geiger remembrance
Dinner and get-together
Overnight accommodation
a) Camping near the airplane
b) With previous booking on the airfield
c) Local Hotel accommodation
Sunday, August 28, 2016
07:30 Light breakfast
A light breakfast will be held in the Swiss Trainer hangar.
10:00 Classic Car Meet
On the last Sunday of each month the airport restaurant "Flügerli", hosts a themed classic car meet.
As street classics roll onto the aerodrome grounds, cub guest will also have the opportunity to tour the Daetwyler factory facilities and aviation museum.
Departure Times:
Homeward departures are at crew's discretion. Please note that no departures are allowed between 0900 and 1030 lcl on Sunday morning. Ref AIP
Flight planning for the homeward journey can be made throughout the day at the briefing station located in the Swiss Trainer Hangar.